Anti-Stress Massage

Massage demanding ones! Anti-stress massage and regeneration package: muscle relaxation, dissolving of blockages, harmonising, energising, relaxing.

Site Update: 07.01.2016.




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Today there is a growing need for stress relief - and no wonder! Tension in the workplace, stressful situations within the family and relationships, and sometimes even just everyday emotional reactions can cause muscle contractions and can manifest as lumps in different areas of the back. “Stress points” are created, resulting in pain ranging from a mild, dull ache to a sharp, stabbing sensation, accompanied by highly restricted movement. This is the body's first line of defense against a nervous system overload. If one does not pay attention and seek proper treatment, one can easily develop high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, diabetes, and heart problems, to mention only the most immediate effects. Eventual outcomes can even include depression and nervous breakdown.

 Many people try to counteract all of this by exercising, and in many cases this can actually provide a solution, as it helps to work out the tension. But exercise alone is not enough to get rid of existing stress points. While helpful, it just slows the development of a condition that eventually results in unexpected, rapid, shooting or stabbing pain in areas of the back. The source can also be "pinching", a sprain, adhesions, or cramping due to a lack of a proper warm-up and stretching. With or without sporting activities, massage is an essential part of our lives, because a significant portion of the problems listed above can be mitigated, and in many cases eliminated, by having regular massage. But even if you just want to relax with a comforting, painless, and intensive massage for relaxation, call me. To make a booking, click the “Contact Us”, or to find out more, see the menu at the top, where you can find out more about massage, reviews, information about our partners, special offers, etc.

Greifen Sport Hungary Bt.




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